Inert Gas Purification Glovebox System - Shipping Included
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General Introduction
The Inert Gas Purification Glovebox System (MNT-IPGS) is a sealed container designed to allow operator to manipulate objects where controlled atmosphere is desired.The System is designed to generate and maintain a working environment, in which O2 and H2O content can reach as low as 0.1 ppm. The MNT-IPGS is an integrated turn-key workstation including gloveboxes with stands, a self-contained electric motor, and one or more water and oxygen purification units.
- Patented technology, water and oxygen content reaching <1ppm in less than 50 minutes;
- System sealing performance: <0.005VOL%/H;
- Unique and patented regeneration technology enabling long life term of purification material up to 15 years;
- Customizable interface for physical/chemical vapor deposition (PVD&CVD) and atomic layer deposition (ALD)
- Integrated peripheral: Embedded spin coater, heating chamber, industrial freezer, and quartz light diffuser etc.
- Option of hinged front window for easy installation and maintenance
- Option of rectangular antechamber
- Equipped with a leaking inspection unit using oxygen method (-800 Pa);
- Activated carbon for removing solvent chemical
- Closed loop re-circulation and purification
- Large antechamber: fully automatic antechamber purge
Standard Functions
Standard Configurations
Optional configurations
Inert Gas Purification Glovebox System (MNT-IPGS) Models
Technical specifications
One year standard warranty with life-time support for the whole inert gas purification glovebox system. Outsourced accessories are under one year standard warranty.
Damage due to improper storage condition or maintenance is not covered by warranty
- Shipping and onsite installation services